Concord Is Green

High rises are green by nature. They achieve this by stacking multiple dwellings together replacing traditional homes. Homes above, beside, and underneath one another help insulate, while shared common spaces and amenities save energy. High rises reduce the burden on city utilities and infrastructure by having water and power carried over shorter distances reducing losses. Additionally, there is huge carbon savings with fewer vehicle trips, yielding less greenhouse gas emissions, and less road grid infrastructure affecting forested areas.

Concord Pacific Is One Of North America’s Greenest Community Developers

Most of Concord’s masterfully curated communities and developments are transit oriented, connecting to business centers, entertainment and services. These communities are micro-sustainable, along with shared urban park land creating walking and biking connections within their respective cities. Every day, thousands of fewer and shorter commutes are a result of the 150 towers developed by Concord within urban centers, offsetting thousands of tons of carbon yearly. Concord is a global leader in EV infrastructure with some of the largest 100% EV-ready residential parkades in North America. Concord takes sustainability one step further by producing green energy. Concord Green Energy projects in wind, solar, and hydro generate more than enough power to offset the energy requirements in all of the 40,000 homes they have built.
Seattle House - News - Concord Is Green - Tech Collage

Taking A High-Tech Green Approach

Seattle House - News - Concord Is Green - Concord Pacific Windmill
Concord created Concord Green Energy to explore and support a variety of zero carbon energy producing projects of scale. Planning for infrastructure needs and requirements of Canadians has always been a cornerstone to Canada's first urban master-planned community builder. Energy considerations and solutions will be significant to the success of sustainable communities of the future. Concord Green Energy has projects of scale in wind, solar, and hydro at various stages of planning, development, and operations across Canada.
  • Committing to automated, energy-efficient smart building systems.
  • Developing Concord Green Energy power projects that offset energy usage.
  • Incorporating green bike lounges.
  • Leading with more electric vehicle (EV) parking infrastructure in each individual building and more overall than any other developer in North America.

Powering Concord's Communities

Concord created Concord Green Energy to explore and support a variety of zero carbon energy producing projects of scale. Planning for infrastructure needs and requirements of Canadians has always been a cornerstone to Canada's first urban master-planned community builder. Energy considerations and solutions will be significant to the success of sustainable communities of the future. Concord Green Energy has projects of scale in wind, solar, and hydro at various stages of planning, development, and operations across Canada.